Chrisma har det stora företagets kunnande och resurser, men det lilla företagets flexibilitet, varför vi med hög leveranssäkerhet och kvalitet kan tillgodose kundens alla behov.
Applied Warehouses is a group of companies comprising Construction Value, Lagerkomponenter, Rullprofil in Sweden and Division 5 in the US. Applied Warehouses companies focus on delivering high-quality steel products and solutions that are designed to meet the needs of various industries.
Construction Value
Construction Value produces and assembles steel halls for various segments such as warehouses, padelcourts, data centers, riding and agriculture stables.
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Rullprofil manufactures roll shaped profiles for various industries with its extensive knowledge in the industry for almost 50 years.
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Lagerkomponenter offers a wide range of quality components for the manufacturing industry and is a leading player in sheet metal processing.
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Division 5*
*A US company legally a part of Applied Warehouses
Division 5 is a full-service structural steel fabricator offering products for all types of buildings, ranging from warehouses and refrigerated distribution centers to schools and hospitals.
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Square feet at 4 facilities
Steel tonnage capacity per year
Projects completed
Uncover the recent advancement of steel materials for construction, warehouses and other solutions
Vår egenproducerade Z-balk har nu 150 cm CC-dimensioner för att förkorta linjerna och minska stålanvändningen, vilket kommer att leda till en lägre miljöpåverkan.
Applied Warehouses is ready to find the best solution for your business needs.